
 Latviski In English

Am I not? Aren't I? Ain't I?

There’s an ongoing tag-question issue in modern English: What’s the correct tag after a statement like “I’m right…”? There are some linguists who say that the tag “am I not?” is too prissy, excessively proper, affectedly correct. And “aren’t I?” too British, while “ain’t I?” is just substandard American slang and not acceptable in educated speech. Who knows? Yet many native speakers, regardless of nationality and what the experts say, prefer “aren’t I?” to the uncontracted “am I not?” which should be used in formal writing only. I’m right, aren’t I?

Komentāri (0)  |  2017-12-18 08:36  |  Skatīts: 8902x         Ieteikt draugiem

Lasīt tālāk.

Old English To Do Conjugation

Present Tense:                              Past Tense:

 I do                                             I did

 You doest / dost                           You didst

Komentāri (0)  |  2017-12-17 00:52  |  Skatīts: 2056x         Ieteikt draugiem

Lasīt tālāk.