A diacritic is any mark, point, or sign added or attached over, under, or through a letter or character to distinguish it from another of similar form, to give it a particular phonetic value, to indicate stress, etc. Accents, carets, hačeks, cedillas, circumflexes, diereses, macrons and tildes are common in such languages as Latvian, Spanish, French, and other European languages, but to a much lesser extent in English.
* A written accent is a small diagonal line used over a vowel; the acute accent (´) and the grave accent (‵) modify vowels or mark stress. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2017-12-18 00:20 | Skatīts: 11449x Ieteikt draugiem |
When we study English, we study to remember. When we remember what we have studied, we know we have learned it for keeps. In other words, to increase our knowledge of English we don't forget to remember what we've studied and learned. It's simple; just come on down and study to learn English for good with Your Tutor. |
Komentāri (0) | 2015-05-26 11:12 | Skatīts: 10179x Ieteikt draugiem |
Think aloud – If you are thinking That’s a difficult question, I’ve never really thought about that before, I’m not sure that I could even explain it in my own language, or I really don’t know what my answer to that questions is, then that is exactly what you should be saying. Not only does following this tip fill silence but you’ll also often find that by the time you’ve finished saying that initial thought you’ll have actually thought of at least some way of answering the question. Similar things that pop up into people’s heads, and then should probably pop straight out of their mouths, include ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2014-06-13 01:08 | Skatīts: 9053x Ieteikt draugiem |
I) Linguistic or verbal fallacies are those in which a conclusion is obtained by improper or ambiguous use of words or phrases.
1. ACCENT – It occurs only in speaking and consists of emphasizing the wrong word in a sentence; e.g., “He is a fairly good pianist,” according to the emphasis on the words [fairly or good], may imply of a beginner’s progress or insult of an expert pianist.
EXPLANATION – The accent or emphasis used within the statement in question gives a different meaning from that of the words alone. The key principle is that emphasis put on a word or phrase directs attention to those words, signifying importance. Emphasis in speech may be accidental or due to dialect but often reflects the deeper meaning of what a person really intends to say. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2013-07-30 10:53 | Skatīts: 11330x Ieteikt draugiem |
Tātad Jūs domājat, ka jums ir laba angļu valodas prasme? Pārbaudiet jūsu angļu valodas līmeni pie pieredzējuša privātskolotāju no ASV. Precīzāku informāciju var iegūt pa norādīto tālruni vai e-pastu. |
Komentāri (0) | 2013-06-06 03:01 | Skatīts: 9690x Ieteikt draugiem |
Es nevaru teikt, ka man patika vidusskola visai daudz, būt pusaudzim tas bija smags pārbaudījums. Pārsteidzoši, viena no labām lietam vidusskolā bija izdevība mācīties valodas. Kaut gan es nekad netaisījos būt valodu brīnumbērns, pateicoties manu skolotāju pūlēm, es tagad spēju runāt krieviski pieļaujami, angliski - slikti, un vāciski - drausmīgi.
Tāpat kā daudziem dzimtās latviešu valodas runātājiem, vidusskolas pabeigšana iezīmēja beigas manai svešvalodu apguvei. Manas vācu un angļu valodas sarunu prasmes esmu noturējis dzīvas ar filmu skatīšanos un neregulāriem komandējumiem vai atvaļinājumiem ārzemēs. Bet tas, ka varu runāt gan latviski, gan krieviski, ir nozīmējis, ka nekad, kā pieaugušais, neesmu atradies neizdevīgā valodnieciskā situācijā šeit, mājās, Latvijā – viss ļoti ērti, taču diezgan pazaudējot saikni ar to jautro jaunu zināšanu apguves daļu. Tā dēļ, rodoties diezgan skumjai sajūtai, pirms kāda laika es nolēmu, ka vēlētos uzlabot savas angļu valodas zināšanas kā pieaugušais, kurš vēlas mācīties, nevis kā negribošs pusaudzis, kuram nav izvēles. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2013-02-28 00:37 | Skatīts: 10852x Ieteikt draugiem |
It’s been said that an expert is a person who’s made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. This clever remark summarizes one of the essential lessons of learning, which is that people learn how to get it right by getting it wrong again and again. Educations isn’t magic. Education is the wisdom squeezed out of failure.
Let’s expand on this important concept. The question at the heart of the matter is simple: Why are some people so much more effective at learning from their mistakes? After all, everybody makes mistakes. The important part, however, is what happens next. Do we ignore the mistake, brushing it aside for the sake of our self-confidence? Or do we investigate the error, seeking to learn from it? ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2013-01-28 04:29 | Skatīts: 8937x Ieteikt draugiem |
Pro-bono Cena: Pro-bono privātstundas, atsaucoties uz šo sludinājumu. Labāka un ekonomiskāka cena nav iespējams. Pieteikties pa tālruni (371) 67311576.
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-14 08:43 | Skatīts: 7663x Ieteikt draugiem |
1. What kind of plant is corn?
a) Grass. b) Flower. c) Tree. d) Shrub.
2. Corn is native to what region of the world?
a) Western Europe. b) Africa. c) Antarctica. d) The Americas.
... |
Komentāri (0) | 2011-10-08 06:13 | Skatīts: 6764x Ieteikt draugiem |
You can get in touch with Your Tutor at (371)67311576
or at
lang.tutoring@inbox.lv |
Komentāri (0) | 2010-12-07 09:40 | Skatīts: 6285x Ieteikt draugiem |